HDRC COMES TO YOUHDRC is happy to provide training for your company or organization. Please let us know how we can help.
STAY CURRENTSign up today for the latest news and information from HDRC.
HOW DID WE DO?If you are pleased with your interactions with HDRC, please tell us. If not, here are the guidelines for filing a complaint.
Board ServiceThe Board of Directors elects new members at its annual meeting each year.
HELP IS OUT THERE You have the right to freedom from discrimination when obtaining services and accessing programs to which you are legally qualified.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS If you are living with a disability, you have equal protection under the law when it comes to making your own life decisions.
WELCOME HOME People with disabilities are free to live independently, own homes and make decisions about their housing without discrimination.
FREE TO BE HDRC believes that people with disabilities have the right to live independently in a manner they see fit.
WORKERS RIGHTS Disabled people in Hawaii must be free to work without fear of discrimination. HDRC is here for you.