
KNOW YOUR EDUCATION RIGHTS Learn about how HDRC helps protect the rights of children living with disabilities, as well the rights of their parents and caregivers.

ACCESS TO ALL We make sure the rights ensured by the Americans with Disabilities Act are afforded to all people living with disabilities in Hawaii.

THE RESPECT YOU DESERVE We work to ensure that disabled people receive the safe and respectful medical care and therapy to which they are entitled.

WHAT MATTERS MOST Every year we review and reset priorities to ensure our work addresses the most pressing issues facing our community.

THE CHALLENGES WE FACE HDRC educates and advocates on issues concerning the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities.

ADVOCATING FOR YOU Nobody understands the challenges (physical, legal and social) of living with a disability in Hawaii than HDRC.

HERE TO HELP We are fierce advocates and tireless fighters for the rights of Hawaii’s disabled population and their caretakers.

(CAP) Authorized in the 1984 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act (P.L. 98-221).

(PAVA) Authorized in the Help America Vote Act of 2002, 42 USC 15461-62, PL 107-252.

(PATBI) Authorized in the Children’s Health Act of 2000, 42 USC 300d-53, PL 106-310.