(PABSS) Authorized in the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act, 42 USC 1320b-20, PL 106-170.
(PAAT) Authorized in the Assistive Technology Act, 29 USC 3011,3012, PL 105-394.
(PAIR) Authorized in the Rehabilitation Act, 29USC 794e, PL 106-402.
(PAIMI) Authorized in the Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act, 42 USC 10801, PL 106-310.
Emergency Preparedness People with disabilities often require additional advanced planning for emergency situations. Here’s a helpful guide.
YOUR VOTE COUNTS People with disabilities have the right to access and assistance in registering and in casting their vote.
YOUR HEALTH. YOUR CHOICE. An Advance Health Care Directive allows you to make important decisions while you’re able to make sound choices before they become critical.
KNOW YOUR EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS HDRC is a valuable resource when it comes to understanding your rights to a public education in the state of Hawaii.
YOUR VOICE IN HAWAII Nobody knows more than HDRC about advocating for the rights of those living with a disability in Hawaii.
INFORMING OUR COMMUNITIES HDRC is actively involved in educating Hawaii communities about the challenges of living with a disability and the rights of the disabled.