Honolulu, HI 96813

Phone/Fax: (808) 949-2922
Toll Free: (800) 882-1057

The following is a list representing the types of individual cases we may handle at HDRC. For a complete description of HDRC’s priorities and issues, please go to our Website MAIN MENU and review our overview of Program Services and Priorities found in the ISSUES Section. The following list is not comprehensive, but are typical of cases we represent.
People with disabilities have the right to receive care and treatment which is free from abuse and neglect, in the most appropriate, least restrictive, integrated setting. Care and treatment should maximize opportunities for self-determination, and be provided with access to due process, informed consent, confidentiality and privacy. - BARRIERS TO ACCESS
The ADA requires that public programs, services, transportation and facilities be accessible to people with disabilities. - CITIZENSHIP
All eligible citizens have the right to register and vote. - COMMUNITY INTEGRATION
People with disabilities have a say in where they live and work, what social programs they participate in and in needed services that facilitate integrated community settings. - EDUCATION
Children with disabilities have the right to individualized educational programs and related services, including integration into regular classrooms, transition planning for after high school and freedom from discriminatory arrest, suspension, or expulsion from school. - EMPLOYMENT
People with disabilities have the right to freedom from discrimination in being employed, provided reasonable accommodation in training for a job or in the workplace, the opportunity for career advancement, placement in competitive, integrated employment at fair wages, and assistance with vocational rehabilitation. - HOUSING
People with disabilities have the right to freedom from discrimination in obtaining and maintaining housing. Violations may include:- Ineligibility for housing based on disability
- Zoning / NIMBY discrimination against disability
- Denial of service/ESA animal at home
- Architectural barriers, landlord/tenant modifications
- Subsidized housing/Section 8 issues
- Rental denials, Lease reviews, terminations
People with disabilities have the right to be considered competent and to conduct their own affairs, unless determined otherwise by a court of law. They are guaranteed civil rights in commitment and release proceedings and the right to humane treatment during confinement. - PROGRAMS and SERVICES
People with disabilities have the right to accessible programs and services, as well as to freedom from discrimination in obtaining and maintaining services for which they are legally qualified, such as Assistive Technology, Medicaid, SSI/SSDI, Transportation, Individual Service Plans within the DD Division, etc.
We do not represent all potential cases affecting people with disabilities. If you contact us for help with a case that we don’t handle, we will try to refer you to other organizations that may be able to help. You may also visit our Useful Resource Links to find available community service providers who may be able to help.
I have a disability. Can you handle my case?
We only handle cases that are related to disability. We do not handle cases that are unrelated to disability even if you have a disability. For example, we would not handle your case if you have a disability but feel you were discriminated against at your job because of your race or gender (not your disability).
Also, in general we do not handle the following types of cases:
- Assistance becoming the guardian of an individual with a disability
- Bankruptcy
- Child custody
- Consumer law not involving assistive technology
- Criminal defense
- Divorce
- Employment benefits (short- and long-term disability, retirement)
- Estate planning (preparing a trust or will)
- Expungement (destroying or sealing records of a criminal conviction)
- Immigration
- Medical or professional malpractice
- Out-of-state issues
- Personal injury claims
- Traffic violations
- Unemployment insurance
- Workers compensation
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1001 Bishop St, Ste 1110
Honolulu, HI 96813