
Accessible Communities

People with disabilities have a right to accessible public facilities and polling places; to move about freely; to vote; to serve on juries; to enter into contracts; to own and dispose of property; and to become naturalized citizens.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates accessible communities; Title II establishes requirements for state and local governments to make their programs, services and transportation services accessible to and usable by people with disabilities.

Title III establishes requirements for categories of public accommodations (private entities that serve the public) to make their goods and services accessible, including:

Accessible Categories

  • Hotels, places that provide lodging
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Places of entertainment, such as theaters
  • Places of public gathering, such as convention centers
  • Retail, wholesale sales or rentals
  • Service establishments (banks, stores, etc.)
  • Terminals for public transportation
  • Places of public display or collection (libraries, museums, etc.)
  • Places of recreation (parks, zoo, etc.)
  • Places of education
  • Social service establishments (day care, blood bank, etc.)
  • Places of exercise, recreation (golf courses, gyms, sports stadiums, etc.)
  • Emergency Shelters

People with disabilities are able to vote; have access to polling site within your precinct, including entrances, exits, voting areas; on request, provided information on the use of new voting technology or accessibility at polling place; have an attendant (except an employer, agent or union representative) to assist in casting a vote.

Protection and Advocacy for Voter Access

People with disabilities are able to vote

Rights Violations Addressed:

  • Denial to register and vote, voting education
  • Denial of Voter Rights
  • Inaccessible polling places
  • Any other accessibility issue