Honolulu, HI 96813

Phone/Fax: (808) 949-2922
Toll Free: (800) 882-1057

Programs & Services
People with disabilities have rights to accessible programs and services, and to freedom from discrimination in obtaining and maintaining services for which they are legally qualified, such as Assistive Technology, Medicaid, SSI/SSDI, and transportation. These rights include:
- Freedom from Abuse and Neglect
People with disabilities must not be neglected or abused by their service providers or provided substandard programs or services. - Accessible Communities
Programs and services must be accessible to people with disabilities. This includes public transportation, air travel, and paratransit services. - Independence, Productivity, Integration and Inclusion
People with disabilities should be provided the services and support they need to live independently, including:- Assistive Technology
- Financial entitlements (GA, Food Stamps, SSI, SSDI)
- Financial entitlement Services
- Medical Services (Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance Services, etc.)
- Habilitation/Rehabilitation services
- Legal Services
- Protection & Advocacy information
- EPSDT for eligible people
- Services established for specific groups (DD, HIV, Mentally Ill, Veterans, etc.)
- Transportation
- Recreation
- Durable medical equipment
- Vehicle modifications
- Self Determination
People with disabilities must be able to freely make choices about their programs and services.
If you believe your rights have been violated in any of these areas, we can help.
Contact Us

1001 Bishop St, Ste 1110
Honolulu, HI 96813