Outreach is when HDRC staff goes into the community and provides targeted information to assist persons with disabilities, such as visiting with social service agencies, schools or different population groups that could possibly benefit from learning about services that HDRC provides. Outreach promotes public awareness of HDRC programs and the availability of assistance should eligible individuals apply.
Outreach is also utilized by the Center to inform “un-served” and “under-served” (disability, ethnic, geographic) communities about HDRC services, available to the public statewide at no charge.
HDRC Education is defined as providing information through an interactive training event that promotes a greater understanding of the constitutional or statutory rights of people with disabilities. The activity is specifically targeted to meet the unique needs of the group being trained and may be linked to one or more specific HDRC priorities.
It also provides an opportunity to inform the public about our mission, our programs and the issues we address for individuals with disabilities.