People with disabilities have the right to accessible programs and services; and to freedom from discrimination in obtaining and maintaining services for which they are legally qualified, such as Assistive Technology, Medicaid, SSI/SSDI, transportation, etc.
Freedom from Abuse and Neglect:
People with disabilities are not neglected or abused by their service providers.
Rights Violations Addressed:
• Neglect or abuse by providers
• Substandard programs or services
Accessible Communities
Programs and services are accessible to people with disabilities.
Rights Violations Addressed:
• Inaccessible programs and services
• Inaccessible public transportation
• Inaccessible air carrier services
• Inaccessible para-transit services
Independence, Productivity, Integration and Inclusion
People with disabilities have income, services and supports they need to live independently.
Rights Violations Addressed – Failure to Provide:
• Assistive Technology
• Financial entitlements (GA, Food Stamps, SSI, SSDI)
• Financial entitlement Services
• Medical Services (Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance Services, etc.)
• Habilitation/Rehabilitation services
• Legal Services
• Protection & Advocacy information
• EPSDT for eligible people
• Services established for specific groups (DD, HIV, Mentally Ill, Veterans, etc.)
• Transportation
• Recreation
• Durable medical equipment
• Vehicle modifications
Self Determination
People with disabilities make choices about their programs and services.
Rights Violations Addressed:
• Denial of choices about above programs and services